Extended Decluttering Checklist

A 14-page printable action plan designed to help you attack the clutter in your life with confidence so that you can live a completely clutter-free life with clarity.


This resource is more than a checklist! It's also a place for you to celebrate your wins, reflect, evaluate and grow! Throughout this PDF, I am asking questions that will challenge you and push you towards living your best, clutter-free life!


  • Set your intentions worksheet

  • Physical clutter checklist

  • Digital clutter checklist

  • Extra worksheets for emotional, mental, and sentimental clutter

  • Workflow to help you celebrate your decluttering wins

  • A guide to help you reflect, evaluate, and grow

Pages 14

Format PDF

Printable Yes

Compatibility iOS, Android, macOS, iPadOS, Windows, Adobe Acrobat

What People Are Saying

Gena B.

"Amazing, thorough, and full of great information."

Christopher G.

You always inspire me with your vibe. In this chaos that is my life, you provide calm and clarity.


I really like the extended decluttering checklist, it has helped a ton with my mental and emotional clutter as well as my house. Thank you!