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Less is More: The Key to Solving Problems

Jun 16, 2024

Read time: 2.5 minutes

In a world where we’re constantly bombarded with the latest gadgets, supplements, and solutions, it’s easy to think that adding more is the key to solving our problems.

However, research shows that humans are naturally biased towards adding rather than removing when addressing issues.

Today, I want to explore this concept of “less is more” and how it can transform the way we approach our challenges, particularly when it comes to improving our well-being.

Let’s dive in.

The Bias Towards Adding

When faced with a problem, our instinct is often to look for something new to add to our lives.

For example, if we struggle with sleep, we might consider buying a sleep-tracking ring/app or taking melatonin gummies.

While these additions can be helpful, we rarely consider what we could remove from our routines to achieve the same goal.

Imagine if we focused on reducing screen time or eliminating caffeine and sugary drinks before bed instead of adding more. 

These simple changes could significantly improve our sleep without the need for additional products.

The Power of Subtraction

To illustrate this concept further, let’s consider a few scenarios where removing rather than adding can lead to better results:

1. Simplifying Our Schedules:

We often fill our days with tasks and commitments, believing that staying busy is the key to productivity.

However, by removing non-essential activities, we can create more time for what truly matters, leading to a more fulfilling and less stressful life.

2. Decluttering Our Spaces:

Adding organizational tools and storage solutions can help manage clutter, but the real transformation happens when we let go of items we no longer need.

This creates a cleaner environment and a clearer mind—without spending money on additional storage solutions.

3. Refining Our Diets:

When trying to eat healthier, we might think about adding superfoods and supplements. Instead, consider removing processed foods and sugary drinks.

These small subtractions can have a profound impact on our overall health.

How to Embrace “Less is More”

To shift our mindset from adding to removing, we must ask ourselves a simple question: “Is there anything I need to remove?”

Here are some steps to get started:

  • Step 1: Identify the Problem: Whether it’s poor sleep, lack of productivity, or a cluttered home, start by clearly defining the issue you’re facing.

  • Step 2: List Potential Additions: Write down all the things you think could solve the problem, such as new products, tools, or habits.

  • Step 3: Consider Subtractions: For each item on your list, ask yourself if removing something could achieve the same result. For example, instead of adding a sleep aid, could you eliminate late-night screen time?

    Instead of adding new tools or software to boost productivity, could you eliminate unnecessary tasks?

  • Step 4: Take Action: Remove one thing at a time and observe the impact. Adjust as needed and embrace the simplicity that comes with less.

The Benefits of Removing

By focusing on subtraction rather than addition, we can create more space, time, and mental clarity. This approach simplifies our lives and helps us appreciate what we already have.

It encourages mindfulness and intentionality, leading to a more balanced and fulfilling life.

So, the next time you face a problem, pause and ask yourself: “Is there anything I need to remove?”

I hope this perspective helps you find new ways to simplify and improve your life.

I’ll see you next week, my friend.


Whenever you’re ready, here’s how I can help:

1. The Declutter Kit: The most straightforward way to approach decluttering. I share 8+ years of expertise, proven methods, and actionable strategies. This course will help you save time, conquer your clutter, and prioritize your values.

2. Get my Core Values Worksheet: Step-by-step guide to help you identify your values (free).

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